Friday, July 24, 2020

Beyond the Ruins (Announcement)

I had originally conceived this story as having no more than three episodes. It has grown and expanded considerably in my mind and I now find it no longer suits the format of posting a chapter fortnightly on this blog. So I'm going to go away and give it the time and attention it needs away from the self-imposed pressure of needing to 'get something out there' every two weeks. I will continue to post here on other matters.

Thanks and all the best,



  1. Thank you for letting us know...I've been enjoying the story and look forward to reading the completed version!

    I do hope you will have time to continue posting other items - so many of your posts here & on the Albion Awakening blog have been extremely appreciated for their guidance (&/or links) to other spiritually meaningful 'writings' of the sort I find most helpful.
    I miss that blog so terribly, that despite having read and reread all the posts (as well as the comments) many times, I have also bought the book, just to have the pleasure of reading your & Mr. Wildblood's words on actual pages... a fellow bibliophile, I'm sure you'll agree that there is something uniquely enjoyable in the sensory experience of reading actual (paper & ink) books as opposed to reading on electronic devices.

    I rarely comment on the blogs I read, but I wanted you to know you have at least one fan who will be wishing you well and hoping the writing goes smoothly - and quickly ;^)

    p.s. I've also read thru all your posts on the "Many Colored Land" blog.

  2. Oh gosh, my American 'accent' is showing ;^) that should say, "The Many Coloured Land".
    One last thing -
    - Though born and raised in Central Florida (USA); in all my (nearly) 57 years, I have never felt at home here. From the time I was old enough to read, I have felt drawn to the British Isles and the stories that spring from them.

    And when I discovered the Albion Blog, particularly your posts there - it was like discovering a cache of old, forgotten 'letters from home'...

  3. Thank you so much Carol! I deeply appreciate that. I didn't think anyone was reading Beyond the Ruins at all and perhaps I allowed myself to become a little disheartened.

    I've been writing another post this week since posting this announcement. It should be on the blog by Friday 31st please God. I've two more planned for August as well, while I have a think about how to develop Beyond the Ruins. Maybe I'll bring it back to the blog in some way, though as you say, actual physical books are what we really need and thrive from as readers. We'll see.

    I sometimes wonder if I acted a bit precipitously in leaving Albion Awakening in January 2019. The blog ended shortly afterwards, as you know, and I'm sure it would have done so anyway, whether I was still aboard or not. It had run its natural course, as Bruce has said, and we do of course have the wonderful book which William designed and which you are reading as a tangible witness of what was written there.

    There's no doubt, however, that Albion Awakening became in its own small way a beacon for truth and goodness in its short life time. I have a tendency sometimes to shoot myself in the foot and maybe I didn't realise just how good it was and what a privilege it was to be part of it. But I also felt deep down that the time had come to explore the themes that compel me in a more independent way than was possible on AA. There have been a lot of ups and downs and it's all very much a work in progress, but hopefully it's still early days and if I live with these British and Irish stories long enough - really inhabit them, I mean - then they will speak and act through me in a time and fashion of their own choosing. Ever old, ever new, etc.

    Thanks again and all the very best,

